Orgreenic frying pan


The Orgreenic frying pan boasts a non-stick surface that is absent of teflon. Teflon pans, as you may know, release toxic gas if they are heated long enough with nothing in them. Sounds good, but of course it’s a piece of shit or I wouldn’t be writing about it here.

1. The instructions require you to “season” it with oil. You know what else requires this? A cast iron pan.

2. The non-stick properties of this pan fail when it is not “seasoned” properly or enough. Like a cast iron pan.

The cherry on this sundae is, of course, the name orgreenic, a gross way to shoehorn the concepts of “green” and “organic” into a piece of metal. I guess there’s actually a second cherry, too, and that’s the gallery of customer images showing the pan covered in burned shit because it doesn’t really work at all.

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