Belladonna Bitch Fist


There’s nothing wrong with an adult toy. Maybe you wanna put the Belladonna Bitch Fist in your treasure-hole, or you want to put it in your b-hole, or you want to tie someone up and whack them on the back of the head with it. As long as you’re both willing, great, have fun, that’s what we’re here for. (Or rather, we are here for no reason at all, and we might as well have cool fucked-up sex before we start to rot.)

The reason this item is here is because it’s a pack of 4 Belladonna Bitch Fists. After a certain number, like, maybe, one, your return on investment has to drop off pretty sharply. There just aren’t that many more things you can do with 4 Bitch Fists than you can with one.

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