Mescaline cactus


Mescaline is one of the oldest known hallucinogens, and is found in peyote as well as San Pedro cacti (shown here.) Intrepid psychonauts can buy the cactus legally as “ornamental plants” and chug a blender full of cactus pulp, which may be less sacred than a desert ritual at dawn, but seems to work nonetheless.

Users of “technically legal” hallucinogens usually tiptoe around the methods and usage of their recreational compounds, like the “elves and gnomes” referenced in the customer reviews of root bark used to make DMT. The nudge-and-wink reviews continue with Heavenly Blue Morning Glory, a plant whose seeds contain lysergic acid amide, a relative of LSD. But that was not the case with C. Hall, the author of this cactus review, where he straight-up admitted to extracting the active ingredient and “tripping balls.”

It may be brazen, but at least it’s not bath salts.

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