19 March, 2018
Help The Worst Things For Sale continue.
Hey, it’s me, Drew. There are around 20,000 readers of The Worst Things For Sale, but only a tiny fraction of you guys are supporters of our Patreon, which is the only significant source of funding for The Worst Things For Sale. A pledge of $0.10 a day would help to keep TWTFS updated 365 days a year. I hate to ask you guys for stuff, because I know you’re just here to read about shitty products and not buy them, but I really do need your help.
Please contribute to my Patreon page, and I can keep writing TWTFS as well as my comics. There are higher pledge levels, but $3 a month ($0.10 a day) would be fantastic. Thanks for reading, and for helping me continue this work for everyone who reads and enjoys it.