Monthly Archives: July 2021

Peel Your Egg With Negg


The Negg is a boiled-egg peeler. I’ve written about egg products countless times – the Eggstractor, Eggmaster, Egg Genie, Eggbot, and Egg Cuber, to name a few. You’ve been living in the black-and-white world where you can’t cook or eat eggs for too long. Buy one of each and live in the full color, all-smiles universe of Egg Products.

A Meat Tenderizer


No, it’s not an accessory to beat your meat, or whip your chicken. That’s why it’s got those spikes on the bottom, to keep you from sitting on it. It’s like the spikes they put on signs to keep pigeons off, or the spikes they put in entryways to keep homeless people from sleeping there.

The Food Pod


Are you unable to handle asparagus without a specialized container to do it for you? Then you’ll need the Prepara Pod, a standing plastic container to suspended-animate your asparagus or herbs inside your fridge. The nut of the ad copy is “Now that’s better than a damp cloth!”, which is true for a lot of products, but also reveals its unnecesary expense and use of nonrenewable materials.

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