Reluctantly Gay Ghosts And Werewolfs


This short novel (which runs all of 11 pages, most of which can be read in the “Look Inside” link) is pretty clearly explained in its title. But you can’t beat the description, which contains the text “WARNING: … a horny gay poltergeist.”

If that doesn’t get you supernaturalled out, try “How To Turn A Wolf Gay,” by the same author. Or if you think a werewolf willingly being turned gay is too unbelievable, then you could get “Made To Submit (Reluctant Gay Werewolf BDSM).”

Then again, you might be thinking “that’s not specific enough of an adult novel, because everything I read these days has a straight BDSM werewolf who is reluctant to turn gay.” Who’d blame you? That’s probably why there’s “Reluctant Gay Werewolf Catshifter BDSM”, for those who prefer catshifter in their reluctant gay werewolf stories.

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