Fuel Doctor


The Fuel Doctor is a $40 gadget you plug into the cigarette-lighter socket of your car, which supposedly increases your fuel economy by 25% and “cleans” the electrical system of your car.

Of course, this is a fraud, but a small part of me wonders if it isn’t better for this segment of the population to put their discretionary income into Fuel Doctors and Fuel Sharks and Neosocket Fuel Economizers instead of using it to prop up their racist and anti-gay organizations. The morons that walk around us with human faces and people shoes are driven by greed and fear, and I’m willing to bet that they’re more greedy for extra money than they are scared of blacks or mexicans or gays or book-readers or them little pocket-computerys yous is always lookin at.

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Contact drew at drew@toothpastefordinner.com or tweet him @TWTFSale.