Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Weed Mouse


This computer mouse hides a digital scale inside and has a little compartment to stash a tiny amount of weed. This would be more practical if a desktop computer wasn’t a big square box with a ton of empty space where you could put a full-sized scale and several ounces of weed.

Customers who bought this also bought a plastic bic lighter that you can store an even tinier amount of weed in. Who are all these customers and what are they doing with their tiny pieces of weed?

The Potato Buds That Broke Them


The bevy of commenters on this innocuous box of Betty Crocker Potato Buds have gathered in the review section to gnash their teeth and wail at the changing of the Betty Crocker Potato Buds formula.

I could just bawl. I loved Potato Buds for thirty years and I will never buy them again, instead I’ll try all the other brands. I got at least four people (who said they would never eat instant mashed potatos) hooked on Potato Buds, because they were so different and so good. Now, they’re not buds any more.

This is just a sampling. You should probably read the rest.

Tag Away, The Skin Tag Remover


“Tag Away”, which claims to be seen on television (what channel? the Skin Tag Network?) also claims that it removes skin tags. Which it doesn’t, because it’s homeopathic, meaning it doesn’t contain any active ingredients.

Somehow, though, where most homeopathic treatments consist of just water, Tag Away manages to pack some foul-smelling “natural” ingredients into its $16.49 half-ounce bottle, a combination of leaf oils and “other natural ingredients.” Customers report that, as you might expect, it doesn’t work, and it smells like shit.

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