Category Archives: Uncategorized

Humiliating Hitler


Time travelers from the year 3123 go back in time to do BDSM to Hitler in a poorly-written ninety-nine cent Kindle book. There’s a “Look Inside”, if you don’t believe me.

Snoopy Sno Cone Machine


The Snoopy Sno Cone Machine is a toy that several of my friends had when I was a kid. From what I remember, not a single one of them ever worked. For some reason,  it’s being made again. According to about half of the reviewers, it still doesn’t work. You’ve gotta hand it to them for sticking to the original design.



The PanWaffle is a piece of cookware that you use to make a pancake-waffle. No, not pancakes and waffles. Just a pancake-waffle.

Pancakes are beloved for their fluffy, soft texture, and waffles are best when crisp, so I’d imagine a PanWaffle is neither. Not that, according to reviews, you can even use it without it falling apart.

Zombie Apocalypse


The phrase “zombie apocalypse” is often used as a jokey term for emergency preparedness, which, if you ignore the “prepper lifestyle,” isn’t necessarily bad. It’s just that it’s always smelled a bit off to me, like it’s being used as a metaphor for “the good guys” hiding in a basement, fighting off people from a different race who want to consume your culture and turn you into them. The conservative fear of “White America” becoming multiracial America, except you don’t say race, so no one can complain, because you just said zombies.

Anyway, here’s a bag of knives for three hundred dollars.

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