Category Archives: Uncategorized

Amazon Pays You To Use The Button Now


The Amazon Dash button, which I’ve written about before (here), is on sale for $1 today, and Amazon gives you $5 worth of credit when you use it for the first time, meaning they’ll pay you a net profit of $4 for hooking one of these up. If paying a customer to use something for their convenience doesn’t send a cold bolt of dystopian terror through your heart, I don’t know what will.



The existence of KushCakes in a country with legalized recreational use of marijuana in 8 states (and medical use in several others) doesn’t make much sense. The active ingredients are valerian root and melatonin (available everywhere, cheaply) and since Kush Cakes contain hemp protein, they’ve got a grainy texture with a weird off-taste meant to approximate the experience of eating a weed brownie.

At least it’s not Meowijuana.

Dog Food That’s Human Food


Most dog owners know that dogs will eat anything, including an array of non-food household goods, and other animals’ poop. For those who own a dog and yet know nothing of the dog’s taste, there is Bowser Beer, a bizarrely expensive six-pack of bottles of mostly beef broth.

And for those who haven’t figured out that human-oriented peanut butter is a dog’s favorite food, there is Dogsbutter, a special peanut butter made for dogs which is more expensive and, I’m guessing (because I’m not going to buy it and taste it) probably worse than the regular king.

Thankfully, one reviewer of the dog beer notes, “I tried to give this to 3 different dogs and none of them would eat it… and one of them eats concrete.”



It’s gift time, which means it’s time for millions of people to guess with their wallets. Enter ManBuckets, a pre-bucketed, overpriced gift of beef. Or a bizarre combination of rags, super glue, a single Gatorade, a sponge, and buffalo popcorn. Or an almost-as-bizarre combination of goldfish crackers, a hat, and a bar of soap. It’s the result of a last-minute convenience-store shopping trip, at twice the price.

A better option would be the 15-pack of kangaroo/ostrich/elk (and other weird) meats for $24, if you’re committed to a meat-based present.

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Contact drew at or tweet him @TWTFSale.