Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bamboo Computing


Crafting a keyboard and mouse out of bamboo may be “eco-friendly,” and not terrible, overall, unless you’re a bamboo tree. But a desk calculator made out of bamboo seems unnecessary. It’s hard to argue that a wooden calculator is more eco-friendly than using the calculator that’s already inside your phone and computer, though.

Hip-Hop For Dogs


In a putrid collection of dated and misused rap slang, the author of Hip-Hop For Dogs answers the questions she asks you on the back cover: “Is your dog phat? Is he a playa?” Written by someone with no apparent knowledge of culture, music, rhythm, or rhyme, it is the English As She Is Spoke of rap books.

Pressurized Beer Growler


Beer has been available for decades in bottles and cans, which are single-serving sealed containers that keep your beer fresh until you decide to drink them. In an effort to  change this system which works flawlessly, brewers and drinkers have been putting craft beer in growlers, which are larger tanks that go flat before you can finish the beer inside. To “fix” this problem, you can now buy a pressurized growler, allowing you to pay a hefty price for the privilege of having beer that will probably still go flat.

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