9 July, 2016
The Jesuit Conspiracy
The Jesuits, a congregation of Catholics, controls the world gold economy. According to this author’s conspiracy theory. How? Why? That knowledge will come at a high price.
9 July, 2016
The Jesuits, a congregation of Catholics, controls the world gold economy. According to this author’s conspiracy theory. How? Why? That knowledge will come at a high price.
8 July, 2016
Describing it as the “Ultra-Portable Toilet”, the manufacturers of the Gotta Go Poncho have combined two small trash bags, a wet wipe, and a giant trash bag in an envelope and brag that you can use it to take a dump in public. You wear the large trash bag and shit and piss into the smaller ones. No need to use your imagination as to how this happens – there’s a picture of a lady demonstrating the product.
7 July, 2016
You may have eaten ostrich and alligator jerky, but you’ve probably never had earthworm jerky. This is your chance to drop fifteen bucks to eat something you could probably dig out of your yard yourself.
6 July, 2016
A polygraph measures your pulse and skin conductivity. It’s usually inadmissible in court, since its accuracy rate is so low that it’s inappropriate to use as evidence in a criminal case. But, hey, if you want to drop three hundo to accuse your friends and family of things they didn’t do and record their bodily functions on your phone with this USB polygraph, feel free.
5 July, 2016
The manufacturers of this $49 white t-shirt brag that it’s “hydrophobic and stain-resistant.” You could buy this, or you could buy a regular white shirt for a few bucks, or you could buy a Jeb! 2016 shirt for $0.01, if you don’t mind that it’s from a failed presidential campaign.
4 July, 2016
What does a summer cookout need? Beer? Friends? Sun? Nope. An unbelievably expensive grill built into a trailer you pull behind your car.
3 July, 2016
This isn’t your regular, run-of-the-mill animatronic baby gorilla head. It’s the very same animatronic baby gorilla head used in the movie Gorillas In The Mist.
There’s a cheaper alternative, but it will require a bit more effort on your part.