Category Archives: Uncategorized

Galileo Was Wrong: The Book


Geocentrism, the belief that the Earth floats at a fixed point in the universe while the cosmos rotates around it, is still alive in 2016. Based on quotes from the Bible, and backed up with a PhD in religious studies from an unaccredited university, Robert Sungenis presents a “scientific” argument for geocentrism. If you think about it, though, a “Multimedia CD-ROM” is the perfect venue for this argument, being a format that went out of vogue eons ago.

If you want to wade further into this dude’s orbit of lunacy, I suggest reading his breathless third-person description of his own book Geocentrism 101, where he compares it to Reader’s Digest and describes it as “hot off the presses.”

Should you want a second opinion, Jack A. Mooreman presents “The Biblical And Observational Case for Geocentricity,” an equally-scientific book from more or less the same point of view.

Ketchup 2, The Sequel To Ketchup


Ketchup 2 is, supposedly, the sequel to ketchup, the ubiquitous red sauce we all know and love. There have been similar attempts to make new condiments, one of which yielded the weirdly popular Famous Sauce. Out of morbid curiosity, I bought some Ketchup 2, and although it has 34 ingredients, it tastes mostly of vinegar. It has no expiration date, suggesting that it may have been bottled several years ago. But considering you can get Ketchup 1 for free at just about any low-grade restaurant or food-truck, I think the worst part of it all might be the price.

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