Category Archives: Uncategorized

Prepper-Fiction: The Race Wars


If you’ve ever wondered what the subtext is for the hobby/fantasy/obsession of “doomsday prepping”, it is, of course, far-right-wing politics. It ties gun-culture together with vigilantism, the destruction of federal government, and a bit of ethnic cleansing. Usually they’re a bit coy about the business of murdering non-whites or implying that they’ve died due to not accumulating guns and bullets before the apocalypse, but not here.

The author has written 18 volumes of Race Wars.

Realistic Doll Fuckers


Forever leaning up against the window, pleading for someone to help her… forever stuck in her unmoving, dead body. (The manufacturer has more pictures on the listing, but this one was the least gross.) But the “please help me” mannequin isn’t the worst. Not by a long shot. I’m going to say the doe-eyed little-girl mannequin with the body of an adult woman is the grossest one you can buy in America today. “The skin feeling of doll is close to a gril,” they brag.

For the mannequin-fucker on a budget, there is the hard-nippled Realistic Sexy Female Fiberglass, which includes “Free wig (we will choose the wig for you.)”

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