Here we are


Here we are, within the 24-hour news cycle surrounding the purported Mayan Apocalypse of 2012, so let’s consider some other ideas people had that didn’t seem to work out.

“The Coming Job Boom: Why the Employment Market for Young Graduates Has Never Been Better” – written in 2008. Too bad about that, really.

“Ireland’s Economic Success” – written in 2008. If you don’t pay attention to world news, Ireland’s got one of the highest unemployment figures in Europe and is mired in austerity.

“Why The Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust” – written in 2006, explaining why you’ll never lose money investing in real estate.

“The Coming Collapse of China” – written in 2001, and predicting that China’s government will be overthrown by 2006, and that the Internet would make Chinese government censorship impossible.

“Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise In The Stock Market” – written in 2000, just before the dot-com bust.

“Dow 100,000” – written in 1999, because fuck 36,000.

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