30 April, 2013
Salt Foot Detox
These $34 blocks of salt are supposed to help you “detoxify” your body, when you put your feet on them. How do they do this? Well, first of all it’s definitely not a scam, and second, crystals.
30 April, 2013
These $34 blocks of salt are supposed to help you “detoxify” your body, when you put your feet on them. How do they do this? Well, first of all it’s definitely not a scam, and second, crystals.
29 April, 2013
This hoodie says “Dumpster Diving Is My Passion, Sex Is My Hobby.” And why not? After all, dumpster diving and sex go together like peanut butter and a box of used syringes.
28 April, 2013
You might have questions, looking at this book cover, such as “why is the football so big” and “doesn’t the title imply that the football is breaking gender taboos?” Let me bypass those questions and share with you an excerpt from this fine work of literature.
Entering were her friends Eileen (black shemale), Carl (sub male), and Beth (half-Asian, half-Black shemale). Jason got up and greeted everyone as Monica made the introductions. They brought with them a new pizza, 2 cases of beer, vodka, rum, and a couple of two liters of soda.
There’s more to read in the “Look Inside”, which, of course, I suggest you do.
27 April, 2013
Merry Christmas! It’s me, Ferret Santa! Look in your stocking! It’s 7 of your baby’s fingers!!!
26 April, 2013
The manufacturer of this CD from 1994 claims that listening to it can help your ADD, dyslexia, or other learning disorders. Unless it’s made of Adderall, I doubt that’s true.
If it’s made of Adderall, please tell me, by the way… no reason.
25 April, 2013
Sure, TractionSocks are $10,000 for three pairs ($1,666.66 for each sock, if you do the math) but the important features of them are frff, ffff, f, ff, and fff.
Apparently I’m not the first one to find these, as they have a number of reviews.
The picture above is from the manufacturer. I don’t know what it’s supposed to mean. You look at it and tell me.
24 April, 2013
The “Neck Genie” has mixed reviews (read the 21 one-star reviews for a portrait of its failures) but my favorite part, out of everything, is the picture of it above. That before and after has nothing to do with the springy thing, guys! You can achieve the same effect by moving your head forward and backward. Here, check this out.