Do Foot/Toe Stretchers Really Work?


There is no credible evidence that foot stretchers or toe stretchers can prevent or heal injuries to the feet, including bunions, hammertoe, and plantar fasciitis. Long-term use of toe separators, toe stretchers, YogaToes, etc. to stretch the tendons in your feet may result in your toes looking more spread-apart at rest, but that doesn’t mean you’ve strengthened your feet or addressed the underlying conditions that cause pain in your feet and ankles.

Hilariously, after the success of YogaToes, the manufacturers brought out YogaHands, claiming the same benefits of separating your toes could be applied to your fingers. A good rule of thumb is that if you aren’t using your muscles to pull or push against resistance, then what you’re doing isn’t actually exercise. And if you purchase a product that claims to heal several medical conditions at the same time, you might be buying into a scam.

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