Randomly Selected Foreign Coin


This is a listing for a single, randomly-selected foreign coin. The description refers to “The coin you receive”. Yet, the customer reviews complain that “I feel I was mislead” because the picture shows a pile of coins. That’s what happens when you buy a single coin for three bucks and change instead of a bag of 50 random foreign coins for $11, or a quarter-pound of foreign coins for $9, or an entire pound of them for $19.

None of them are as bad as buying a bunch of North Korean currency, which indirectly supports the most oppressive and horrible nation currently on our planet. Sure, it’s fucked up to wear a shirt that says “I Love North Korea”, but at least the money stays in the hands of a shitty t-shirt business.

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Contact drew at drew@toothpastefordinner.com or tweet him @TWTFSale.