16 July, 2016
The Beer Tracker is a bottle-opener that counts how many beers you’ve opened with it. Per the customer reviews, it works about as well as you’d expect.
15 July, 2016
“Conversation starter,” lies the manufacturer in their description of the Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin Bobble-Head. If you work with someone who uses Bitcoin, they’ve already told you about it. And if you see someone with a bunch of Bitcoin stuff, the last thing you ever want to do is ask them about Bitcoin.
The same company manufactures a physical Bitcoin coin, which is, like Bitcoin itself, unable to be used in exchange for goods or services.
14 July, 2016
The current #1-best-selling “plant germination kit” is Chia Donald Trump. Not surprising, given that one of their other big hits was this reality TV star.
13 July, 2016
Onlookers gasp as you pull out your grenade, then sigh in relief when they see you’re actually trying to kill them with a knife.
12 July, 2016
“Please mug me, I’m staring at my phone and won’t notice.” If you’re a Poke-driver instead of a Poke-destrian, you might want the “Please pull me over, I’m on my phone and you can give me a $130 ticket” special.