Enjoy Your Aids Mouse


Since it takes a child or a shithead to make fun of the seventy million people worldwide who have been infected with HIV (half of them – 35,000,000 – have died) there’s really no way to excuse the message printed onĀ this computer mouse. (The print on it is small, but you can zoom in on the original listing if you must see it.) Regardless, if you’re the kind of person who wants to use a wireless mouse that celebrates this huge loss of life from a disease that was ignored for years because it was thought to be punishment for homosexuals, this mouse pad would probably work well as an accessory. (Being that it’s another shithead product, the manufacturer’s own product listing shows it misprinted.)

If you were just into people dying, this “got malaria?” hoodie would be better. But you can’t tie a mosquito-borne disease to morality, so it’s a harder sell.

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Contact drew at drew@toothpastefordinner.com or tweet him @TWTFSale.