The BDSM Coloring Book


Attempting to land in the middle of the venn diagram of “adults who color” and “adults who tie each other up” is The BDSM Coloring Book. The customer pictures show that it’s filled with low-grade collages of clip-art, but this is less troubling than the customer review that reveals the author got caught bringing a 17-year-old girl across state lines to have sex with her.

So, unless you’re into funding the sex-travels of a pedophile, but your temperament demands you color in something sexual, you might want to stick with the Sex Position Coloring Book. Or The Fetish Coloring Book. Or, as far as I’m concerned, you could go straight for the unfortunately-named Adult Coloring For Dummies. You’re the one coloring in coloring books, not me. When I need to “unwind” I drink beer and murder people on Playstation like a normal damn American.

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