Author Archives: drew

The Chork


Solving a problem the world does not have, the Chork combines a pair of chopsticks with a fork.

The Mushroom Man


Hey, it’s me, Toad, from the Mario games. Come with Toad. It is safe. Toad knows where to have a lot of fun here in the abandoned part of town. It’s free. Come with Toad.

PureLyft energy stick


PureLyft is an “energy stir stick” that dissolves in a glass of water to release caffeine, sweetener, and flavoring. Most of the reviews note that it tastes terrible, which is an accomplishment, because companies have been mixing water, flavorings, and caffeine together for decades. Unsurprisingly, it’s “frequently bought with” the caffeine-vape I wrote about earlier this month.

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