Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Most Expensive Rubber Band Gun


The fun part about making rubber band guns is that you use crap that’s in your desk for free, like old pens or paperclips. This super-expensive “Devastator” rubber-band gun allows you to bypass ingenuity and fun with a large sum of money, which, if you think about it, neatly describes most aspects of our modern world.

You can buy a less egregious wooden rubber-band gun for $5.75 if you look around for a second, but again, if you might get zero-toleranced for anything that even resembles a gun, you might want to go with the pens-and-paperclips for the sake of plausible deniability.

A Sticker For Your Phone


This is a sticker that you apply to your cell phone to “reduce radiation by 96.43%.” The good news is that it doesn’t work! If a sticker could reduce the signal strength of your phone by so much, you’d never be able to place a call or send a text message, because the signal wouldn’t be able to make it out of your house, let alone get all the way to the cell tower.

The bad news is that most of the 52 reviews were people claiming that the sticker made their radiation-based illness go away.

The really bad news is that it’s just one of dozens of very popular products. Here are some examples: (1) (2) (3) (4)

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