Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Shield Antenna


The Shield Antenna is a self-adhesive sticker for the back of your phone that claims to simultaneously boost your signal and reduce the amount of radiation your phone emits, which are opposites. (Even imagining that a sticker would block a cell-phone signal, it’s on the back of the phone, which is not the side you point at your head when you look at it or talk on it.)

Desk Balance


For a few years, we’ve been told that sitting while we do computer work is horrible for our health. We’ve been pushed to buy standing desks, or risers so that we can stand at a regular desk, with no attention being paid until very recently that working while standing is significantly worse than sitting, likely as a result of discomfort and distraction, and may even be worse for your body as well. As you might imagine, the trend towards standing desks is largely due to the manufacturers of standing desks and standing-desk accessories selling them as being healthier than the regular desk you already own and don’t have to buy from them.

Ignoring this, manufacturers are now suggesting that we stand on an unsteady platform as we work standing up at our desks. This one’s more expensive than you’d think, but, really, can you put a price on being distracted, uncomfortable, and less productive?

Camel Fat


It’s not that a pound of camel fat isn’t edible, but it’s probably not worth buying at a premium, marked with the meaningless label “Superfood,” unless giggling at the word “hump” is worth it to you.

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