Category Archives: Uncategorized



After years of battling Facebook’s “reach taper,” the mechanism by which they show Page content to fewer and fewer users over time, we have landed here: our most recent FB post was shown to about one percent of those who “like” or “follow” The Worst Things For Sale on Facebook. You probably don’t see our posts there anymore, if you’re still using Facebook, which a lot of people aren’t.

If you’d like to receive The Worst Things For Sale updates through social media, you should follow @TWTFSale on Twitter. Twitter has its own problems, but, for now, they still show you the things you tell them you want to see.


Furniture Straps


These straps allow you to lift up furniture and carry it on your back. For some reason, though, the manufacturer shows a man using this who has had his head replaced (or is badly ill.) Check out the first and fourth pics in their gallery.

Help The Worst Things For Sale continue.


Hey, it’s me, Drew. There are around 20,000 readers of The Worst Things For Sale, but only a tiny fraction of you guys are supporters of our Patreon, which is the only significant source of funding for The Worst Things For Sale. A pledge of $0.10 a day would help to keep TWTFS updated 365 days a year. I hate to ask you guys for stuff, because I know you’re just here to read about shitty products and not buy them, but I really do need your help.

Please contribute to my Patreon page, and I can keep writing TWTFS as well as my comics. There are higher pledge levels, but $3 a month ($0.10 a day) would be fantastic. Thanks for reading, and for helping me continue this work for everyone who reads and enjoys it.

Mommee Coffee


Pregnant women are one of the most coveted demographics for capitalists. You will ruin your child’s entire life forever if you don’t buy the right products while pregnant, and there’s no better driver of commerce than fear. Enter Mommee Coffee, the pregnant woman’s coffee. Sure, you could drink regular decaf or half-caf coffee when you’re pregnant, but why risk drinking something cheap and widely available?

At least it probably tastes better than Third Trimester Tea.

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Contact drew at or tweet him @TWTFSale.