Category Archives: Uncategorized

Chalkboard Globe


For the person with a lot of chalk in their life, who loves writing in chalk on objects, the Chalkboard Globe might seem appealing. Of course, reviews note that it’s… drumroll… hard to write on with chalk.

It’s similar to the concept of the scratch-off map, which is a poster-sized map of the world covered in lottery-ticket foil, which you scratch to indicate where you’ve been in the world. I would feel mildly guilty removing the entirety of Canada, seeing as I’ve only been in a handful of its cities along the southern border, and even worse removing the foil from Mexico, after spending an afternoon in Tijuana. For that matter, I’ve never been to Alaska, our nation’s largest state, or Hawaii, its most Pacific Ocean-y. Do you remove the segment of Antarctica claimed by the United States? I realize this is overthinking what amounts to a huge lottery ticket, but experiencing different cultures isn’t like collecting Pokemon, so I’m probably in the wrong target audience for either of these products.

The Sushi Bazooka


A great idea in theory, and a perfect way to get America interested in sushi, the Sushi Bazooka unfortunately fails in its execution. According to reviews, it breaks easily, is hard to clean, and the rice sticks to the inside. And, personally speaking, it’s a disappointment that you can’t use it to destroy a tank.

If you’re hell-bent on making sushi at home, this set of wooden utensils and bamboo mats would probably do the trick, for under ten bucks. Just make sure you get some decent seaweed to roll them bad boys up. You cheap out there, you’re gonna notice.

Vape To Sleep


NutroVape, manufacturers of NutroVape Energy, a disposable vaporizer that lets you inhale caffeine, have released NutroVape Sleep, a disposable vaporizer that lets you inhale melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone that can help you sleep, especially if your sleep cycle has been disturbed, and it doesn’t have the withdrawal or habituation effects that most sedatives do. The problem with huffing your tonin is that melatonin tablets are cheap, don’t have respiratory side effects, and their dosages are precise. Too high a dosage of melatonin before bed can result in sleepwalking and vivid nightmares, which most people hate.

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