Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy 2017


I love making fun of the “happy new year” sunglasses, because they’re always poorly designed, and can be used only one time, ever. But these are particularly bad, since they’re clearly a design from 2010 with a seven stuck on the end.

The Worst Things For Sale: The Show

If you’ve enjoyed reading The Worst Things For Sale this year, please consider chipping in $0.10 a day to our Patreon fundraiser. If we reach our next funding goal, we’ll make a Worst Things For Sale video series. Details are on the Patreon page.

We do, as the Seattle Times pointed out in their interview with me last week, make a small amount of money from Amazon and advertisements, but The Worst Things For Sale, and our daily comics, are primarily funded through Patreon - even a few cents a day helps us keep this going.

Reversible USB Cable


In theory, this reversible USB cable might be handy, if you have trouble plugging in a regular USB cable due to the fact that there’s a right-side-up and a wrong-side-up. But looking at the end of a cable before you plug it in is free, and so is using a marker to put a dot on the right-side-up side of the USB cable you already own.

The Best Things For Sale: 2016

Since I’ve started this site, I’ve gotten people responding “More like the BEST thing for sale!” to many of the items I’ve posted here. Presented below is a graph of the “best” things for sale, as ranked by readers’ responses via Facebook, Twitter, and email.

Have one to add to the list? Join the Worst Things For Sale Facebook page, follow us on Twitter at @TWTFSale, or write Drew at


Fuck Off Socks
Jeff Goldblum Shower Curtain
Macho Man Vs. Jesus Pillowcase
Swear-Word Coloring Book
Pizza Pouch
Cat Mask
Senior Woman With Asthma
Electro Deflecto Tin Foil Hat
Bacon Chocolate Oreos
Petchup, The Ketchup For Dogs
Beer-iodic Table
Oregon Patriots Occupied My Butt
Your New Nude Grandmother
Lap Mug

Tweexy: The Solution For A Non-Problem


If you paint your own nails, you might look at the manufacturer’s instructions for using Tweexy to hold your nail polish bottle (it’s here, on the listing) and think it’s a great idea. In practice, strapping a bottle of nail polish to your fingers and then trying to paint those fingers from behind the Tweexy is a nightmare, and you’re probably more likely to spill it than if you’d just set the bottle on a table.

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Contact drew at or tweet him @TWTFSale.