Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Litter Box That Cleans Itself, Except When It Doesn’t


The LitterMaid, a self-cleaning litter box, would be a great idea. Except that it doesn’t work at all. It has over 300 negative reviews, stating that the motor’s too weak, the replaceable parts are too expensive, and the tines on the shit-rake break off easily when they try to clean your cat’s turds.

If you’re looking for a solution to having a sandy box of cat turds in your house, you might skip the LitterMate and the PetZoom (a plastic patch of astroturf) and just teach your cat to crap in the regular toilet.

Twerk Pong


You might think, based on the name, that Twerk Pong would involve some sort of back-and-forth, but it doesn’t. To play, you and another person tie cardboard boxes to your asses and see who can shake the balls out of the box fastest. The end.

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