Monthly Archives: December 2013

Lullaby Phish


I covered the Rockabye Baby series of cover albums last year. But for some reason, a new series, called Twinkle Twinkle Rock Star, has decided they want to compete with Rockabye Baby in making twinkling-bell covers of music that 30-year-olds like. It wouldn’t be worth mentioning at all if they hadn’t made a Phish-For-Babies album, but they did.

“Shhh, shhh,” the Phish dad says, as his child cries. “Just keep listening. You’ll get into it. Trust me. You’ll be a Phish-head any day now.” He picks up the ipod, clicks around for a moment, and sets it back down. “Phish isn’t the only jam band, either, kid. I’ve got a lullaby version of Widespread Panic that’ll really make you twirl in circles in a dirty field for hours.”           

Poppy Seeds: Nature’s Semi-Legal Opiate


Reviewers of this eight-pound bag of poppy seeds repeatedly claim it’s “unwashed”, which might sound disgusting, but in reality it means that the outside of the seeds carries some trace amounts of poppy latex. This latex contains a large quantity of morphine (and related compounds) and it’s this same latex that’s collected and processed to make heroin.

Poppy seeds like these can be cooked into “poppy seed tea”, which is an extraction of the active ingredients. Unfortunately, since the opiate levels in the residual latex isn’t quantified, users can easily overdose on their legal morphine-juice. It’s also terribly addictive, and should your supply of unwashed poppy-seeds run out, your alternatives are pills, heroin, or withdrawals. I’m no Nancy Reagan, but chugging the tinctures from eight pounds of flower seeds sounds like a great way to turn your life into a nightmare. 

Egg Minder: A Wi-Fi Egg Tray


Load your eggs into this expensive plastic tray and it will tell your phone when your eggs are about to go bad. It will also show you which eggs are the oldest and should be eaten first. None of this makes sense, when you consider that eggs are sold in a paper carton with an expiration date, and if you have two cartons, you can eat the eggs from the older one first. 

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