Monthly Archives: August 2014

Hearthsong Buddy Bumper Ball


The Hearthsong Buddy Bumper Ball looks like it would be fun for kids. It’d keep them entertained for an hour or two, at least. But it’s collected a host of terrible reviews, because the pictures all show two children playing with them, and the ad copy slyly doesn’t clearly say how many of them are included, so many parents have shelled out $40 for a pair of these, only to have a single Buddy Bumper Ball show up.

Also, as one reviewer noted, “FUN IDEA BUT THEY RIP APPART RIGHT AWAY”.

Roobie Breastnut’s Porn Songs


Roobie Breastnut’s first album, “Porn Flush,” set the stage for her musical career of combining 90s-era dance sounds with low-grade talk-singing about boobs, balls, and butts. You’d think that a musical career with songs such as “Scrotum Sack,” “Fuck Me Fuck Me,” and “Ooh Baby Naked Dance” would be impeccable, but, you wouldn’t really think that, actually. Nope.

Uncensored titty cover is on the listing page, but censored here, because god forbid you see a boob.

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