Monthly Archives: November 2014

Reusable twist-tie


This reusable twist-tie is a good idea. It’s just hard to beat the price of the free one I got from the grocery, which I found next to the 500 other free ones at the grocery.

Steampunk Keyboard


If you’re tired of only paying fifty or a hundred bucks for a keyboard, check out The Datamancer, a steampunk keyboard that’ll run you four figures.

Selfie Shirt for Babies


“This is my Selfie shirt,” reads this babies’ onesie, backwards. Apparently, the manufacturers don’t know the difference between a camera and a mirror, so they printed it backwards. “But what if they have an old phone, without a front-facing camera, and they take selfies in the mirror?” you shout at the computer. Well, then, I’ve got a men’s shirt that combines the “Keep Calm” logo with selfies in a way that suggests the manufacturer knows what neither of them are. And a wooden beaded necklace that says “#SELFIE”, because the # lets you know it’s online, which selfies are, because I completely know what they are, and that’s why I’ve got this #SELFIE necklace.

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Contact drew at or tweet him @TWTFSale.