Monthly Archives: March 2015

Dog Overalls


“This could be your dog,” whispers the picture of the dog in dog overalls, majestically leaping through the American wilderness.

For heavier duty, there is, of course, the dog “combat suit.”

Bible Verse Flask


If you’re going to pick a Bible verse to print on a flask, you’d probably want to go with one about how it’s good to drink. I feel like it maybe even had a story about a guy making his own wine for everyone to drink at a wedding.

How To Talk Like Human


The cover of this book doesn’t give you a true picture of the horrors that lay within. Slyly disguised as a guide to ease social interactions, it’s actually a bizarrely awkward and insulting guide for how to approach women. I don’t think the author has ever had a conversation with another human being, as evinced by this excerpt:

You: I recently started training Brazilian jiu-jitsu (or any hobby of yours) and it’s helping me express bottled up emotions.

Her: Wow that sounds so cool.

Really, though, you’d have to hit the “Look Inside” to see the true scope of this book’s robotic word-terror.

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