11 October, 2015
A Really Expensive Rock
That’s the title of this item. “A Really Expensive Rock.” It is definitely that thing, and I have no idea why. Maybe you can take a look and see if you can figure it out?
11 October, 2015
That’s the title of this item. “A Really Expensive Rock.” It is definitely that thing, and I have no idea why. Maybe you can take a look and see if you can figure it out?
10 October, 2015
The WaxVac is an “ear vacuum cleaner” which purports to remove the wax from your ears. As you might imagine, no, it doesn’t work at all, with dozens of customers complaining that they couldn’t get it to remove a single piece of earwax.
Since the world of earwax removal is full of scams (like ear candles) I feel obligated to tell you that The Elephant Ear Washer is a product that actually does seem to work, if you can get over the fact that it looks like a bottle of Windex.
9 October, 2015
This button connects to your Wi-Fi network, and when you push it, Amazon mails you Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner. While the Amazon Dash program started last year with a few buttons for household necessities like detergent and paper towels, it’s been expanded, and you can now have America’s favorite fat-and-carbs delivery system at the push of a button.
If you’re thinking you’ve gotta wash your automatic dinner down with water, nope – there’s a button for Gatorade too. It’s got what plants– I mean people– crave.
8 October, 2015
This is your garden-variety remote-controlled quadcopter, but it’s in the question section, where a man asks if it’s useful for shooting pornography, where the comedians of the world have taken root.
As groanworthy as their jokes might be, the prospect of being able to order one of these drones and have it dropped off at your house by a drone is perhaps worse.
7 October, 2015
While I’m sure that using this induction earpiece might make you feel like a spy, I don’t think that pushing a magnet into your ear canal until it’s touching your eardrum is a wise decision. I also doubt that holding a big loop of wire next to your head is an “undetectable” way of listening to audio from your phone.
5 October, 2015
“Don’t worry about being descrete (sic),” says the manufacturer of The Ball Lifter, “there is nothing embarrassing about wearing the ball lifter.” I guess I agree, but not if you’re only wearing the ball lifter and nothing else.
4 October, 2015
I won’t spoil the joy of uncovering the 200 Sexycrets yourself, but let me share this single Sexycret with you, to give you a taste of what lies within:
“Call me your ‘love goddess’ while I’m making you a fellatio.”