16 February, 2016
Hillary Clinton Money
All across the internet, Hillary supporters insist that fellow democrats use Hillary Bucks, lest they be branded “Bernie Bills.”
16 February, 2016
All across the internet, Hillary supporters insist that fellow democrats use Hillary Bucks, lest they be branded “Bernie Bills.”
15 February, 2016
What is a pandemic without the self-published books claiming to tell you how to “prevent being infected”? Just like Ebola, SARS, and swine-flu, you obviously don’t want to contract Zika, but hucksters continue prey off the news-cycle terror by selling you tiny, useless books that amount to a retelling of a Wikipedia entry with a chaser of “wash your hands.”
Those links go to five different shitty books, by the way.
14 February, 2016
I’m your coworker.
Just wanted to let you know, via my coffee mugs, that I shit uncontrollably,
and you will probably catch an illness from my never-ending fountain of Work Diarrhea.
13 February, 2016
“All your childhood dreams come true,” brags the box of Spankrags. No, I wanted to be a fireman, a pianist, a scientist, a master of my craft, the bonds of mortality slipping away for just a moment every day as I labor elegantly in my chosen field. I didn’t dream of shamefully cranking one onto a pre-printed Porn Napkin.
I can’t decide whether this is better or worse than Dude Wipes, which is awful, for a slightly different reason.
12 February, 2016
“Like a normal dad, only much cooler,” lies this t-shirt. For the truly degrading manchild experience, though, you’ll need this amazing piece of work.
11 February, 2016
The vendor of “Real Human Skull With Carrying Case” brags that it was ethically sourced. Since they don’t clarify what that means, I’ll leave the philosophical implications of an ethical way to acquire the skull of a once-living person as an exercise for the reader. For the price, though, the damn thing had better been inside someone important at some point.
10 February, 2016
Someone made a fake 21-minute sequel to Back To The Future, calling it Back To The Future 1V. They describe it as “sequal”, which, along with the long list of angry one-star reviews, should tell you how good it is.