Monthly Archives: March 2016

The ballpoint-pen stylus


This stylus with a ballpoint-pen tip is a great way to accidentally turn your iPad into the doodled-up credit-card machine that people accidentally sign with a pen instead of a stylus.


Knit Hat With Attached Beard


I’d seen these beard-hats online before, and didn’t write them up here because I thought, “well, those are just gifts, no one would actually wear one.” Then I saw someone yesterday walking down High Street wearing one, and realized that some people actually do. Unsurprisingly, people who bought this fucking hat also bought this axe and this sword.

Robotic Lawn Mower


I can’t think of anything wrong with letting a machine with giant rotating blades decide where it wants to go, but this self-propelled lawn mower is exactly that thing. It doesn’t help that it’s styled to look like a dystopian future cop car, either.

There’s a cheaper one available if you don’t want to shell out two grand on the device that will eventually link up with SkyNet and learn to stand upright to murder its victims legs-first.

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Contact drew at or tweet him @TWTFSale.