Related to benzodiazepine drugs like Valium and Xanax, etizolam is quasi-legally available online. It carries the same habituation and dependence problems that these drugs have, minus the rigorous testing and oversight that are involved in the manufacture of prescription pills. As you might imagine, though, it’s sold openly as a “research chemical” along with the more-dangerous flubromazolam, a benzo-derivative that can be fatal in doses of 3mg, and the even-more-potent clonazolam.
Then, consider that it’s “frequently sold with” a five-pound bag of poppy seeds, from which recreational users extract morphine (and other opiates) by soaking in hot water. Combining opiates and benzodiazepines causes more respiratory depression (and death by such) than either used on its own. But it’s not as catchy as Krokodil, and introverts silently and accidentally killing themselves by using weird mail-order drugs in front of their laptops aren’t as shocking an image as a Russian junkie’s arm rotting off.