Category Archives: Uncategorized

The USB Cable That Spies On You


This fairly-normal-looking USB-to-Lightning charging cable contains a SIM card, which allows you to call the USB cable with your phone and hear what’s going on in the room where the USB cable is plugged in. It also tracks the owner’s location with GPS.

You’re now aware that any of your charging cables may contain similar hardware, enabling someone to listen to you in real time and know your location. (Android users, you’re not safe, either: there’s a micro-USB version too.)

Sensoria Smart Socks


What good are socks if they can’t connect to your phone via Bluetooth? That’s the question the makers of Sensoria Smart Socks were apparently trying to answer. Hellishly, the sock app that connects to your socks will give you “voice commands” to instruct you to alter your cadence and landing as you’re running, which sounds like a great way to fall or injure yourself as you run.

As with other “smart” exercise devices, the socks’ other features, like GPS mapping and speed/distance tracking, are already taken care of by the phone you need to operate the socks in the first place.

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