Even if you exclude the fact that the earth is being ruined by the energy and materials required to manufacture consumer goods, you’ve got to look at the exorbitant price of iKettle and ask yourself if it solves an actual problem that you have. Electric kettles already exist, of course, and there are other obvious ways to heat water for tea, including the already-earth-destroying Keurig coffee machine many people have at home or work.
And even if you didn’t put all of this information into deciding not to buy iKettle, the inscription of the word “smarter” on the side of the thing should tip you off that someone’s trying to trick you. Being unable to heat water without a device that must connect to your phone and use an app that will invariably break sooner or later makes you significantly less capable of performing a basic task than a normal person, and if you feel like you need a tea kettle to tell you that you’re smart, the problem goes beyond making tea.