Monthly Archives: January 2017

Voice Recognition

The Echo Dot, like its predecessor, the Amazon Echo, uses voice recognition in a continuing bid to convince people that clicking a couple buttons on their phone or computer is “too hard” to bother with. (The reason goes, I’m sure, that people spend more when they don’t have to see the numbers or payment details in front of them.) But voice recognition, good as it is these days, still leads to problems like this:

(I found this video uncredited – if you know who created it, please let me know.)

Video Game Soundtracks


Before you get all pissed off, Castlevania music is great, as video games go. It’s just that pressing it to vinyl seems bizarre, considering that it was digitally generated out of an old Nintendo in the first place. The same goes for the Mother 2 soundtrack on vinyl. Again, good for a game, functionally unimproved by putting on vinyl.

There are a few soundtracks for Katamari Damacy (and its sequels) which are seemingly rare, given that it’s relatively recent and made of actual music. And, sadly, the soundtrack from Toe Jam & Earl: Panic On Funkotron is apparently impossible to find for under $300. It’s great that the composers from these games are still being appreciated, but I can’t think of anything more obviously suited to selling in MP3 format.

Adulting Is Bullshit


If you mean that coming up with a cutesy word for responsibilities is bullshit, then, yes, I agree with you, coffee mug. Of course, it doesn’t mean this. It means that responsibilities are bullshit, and rolling around in your own filth playing video games as an adult is bae and swag. Yassss filth.

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